Camelopardalis is quite faint and spread out, and may be a challenge for those just beginning their study of the stars. But if you've done a number of other constellations, you should be equal to the challenge of Camelopardalis. Alpha and beta Camelopardali are in the same region, best located with the naked eye. There are two quick ways to locate the two. First, if you're already acquainted with Capella (alpha Aurigae) draw a line from this star to the pole star. Half-way along this line is alpha Camelopardali A second approach would be to find the distinctive 'W' of Cassiopeia. From Cassiopeia move directly east a bit more than the total breadth of the 'W' asterism. You'll find alpha Camelopardali. Note that since Camelopardalis is circumpolar, you will probably have to adjust the diagram to have the stars in their proper aspect, with north pointing correctly. Several interesting binaries are found here, as well as Kemble's Cascade, a lovely binocular grouping of stars which seemingly flows into a rich star cluster. |